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Right to Work guidance

A guide for HR and recruiters exploring IDSPs, IDVT and 10 Questions to consider.


A guide to IDSPs and IDVT

All employers in the UK, regardless of the size of business or sector they operate in, must ensure that everyone who they employ is eligible to work in the UK. This means running a Right to Work check – seeing and checking relevant identity documents – or carrying out a digital Right to Work check, for those people who are eligible.

As a certified Identity Service Provider (IDSP) and leading Right to Work service provider,  we have put together a guide to Right to Work checks which covers IDSPs, Identity Document Validation Technology and 10 Questions to consider when introducing technology.

Key takeaways:

  • The importance of IDVT
  • Recent changes to Right to Work checks
  • More about digital Right to Work and Identity checks
  • 10 Questions to ask when considering IDSPs
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